

Sandy Loves Her Roleplaying Porn

roleplaying porn SandyWho do you want me to be today? I could be your girlfriend, happy to make you happy, being by your side, watching a movie, snuggled up with you, head on your chest, hand drifting down to your lap, playing with the big surprise I find down there. Or I could be your little sister – you’ve been watching me grow up, but you’ve been wanting to do naughty things to me since I was pre-pubescent, haven’t you? Now’s your chance.

What about something more formal? I’m your boss, and I’m on the verge of firing you, so you need to prove that there are reasons I want to keep you in the company… and near at hand. 😉 Or perhaps I’m just your friend’s wife, that really hot one you’ve been wanting to bang since we were first introduced?

I love roleplaying porn so much! So many fantasies, just waiting to be fulfilled….

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