Category Archive: 2 Girl phone sex

School girl phone sex happens on school grounds via Facetime

School girl phone sex Daddy and I always have School girl phone sex…He joins me and my friends in the girl’s bathroom on Facetime and masturbates at the sight of our shapeless bodies and hairless slits. He loves when I have slumber parties so he can be the host… We would always play fun games when I was a lot younger… My favorite game was Pin the Tail! Daddy had us all line-up bent over with our tight asses tooted in the air… He would then hook his cock to our gaping puckered pink assholes and have to guess whose booty his cock was in while his eyes closed.

When our breasts started to fill in Daddy could not get enough of our Teen titty pictures… He even started plastering them all over his bedroom wall. His favorite duo was Kate and I…That’s because the two of us were the best at sucking cock. Daddy loved to watch Kate and I blow snot bubbles with tears running down our cheeks while slobbering on his cock. He would always cum so hard!

She and I would always play hooky just so we can spend time with dads cock inside of our amateur pussies. Eventually, Kate and I got pregnant around the same time and luckily we were both having girls so we were able to introduce two fresh new bald slits for daddy to enjoy. He loves when we reenact his favorite Roleplaying porn.

School girl sex Symone

(855) 733-5746 ext 4960

Best Phone Sex Is Cum Filled and Full of Cock and Pussy

Best phone sexBest phone sex is when there is lots of sex period! Like the other night. The room filled with moans and groans mixed together as they took turns fucking each other senselessly while cum shot after cum shot painted their bodies and faces alike – some even finding its way into eager mouths waiting below for a taste of fresh semen from their loved ones’ ballsacks! This orgy went on well past what should have been considered decent or moral behavior…but then again, when lust takes hold nothing else matters anymore does it?

As the orgy continued, I found myself drawn into it against my better judgment. My own lust overpowering any sense of propriety or decency as I knelt down beside them and started sucking on one son’s throbbing cock while another daughter-in-law took turns riding him from behind. The taste of cum mixed with precum on his shaft sent shivers down my spine as I looked up at him through hooded eyes filled with desire for more.

Your cunt is still leaking some of his cum onto the sheets as well—it feels hot against your skin as it trickles down to mix with yours . The thought of him filling up every inch of you makes your heart race again even though the experience itself has come to an end for now . As time passes , however , those feelings subside into contentment knowing full well this was just another chapter in an ongoing story between two people connected through lustful desires fulfilled under one roof called home sweet home (or maybe just ‘fuck pad’).


1-855-733-5746 ext. 4400

Best phone sex snuff accomplice and Mistress

It’s time to find out why I am the best phone sex whore to dive deep in the underworld of accomplice and snuff. Sometimes your dirtiest deeds come to life with a whore who likes it raunchy! I can make your fantasies a reality. I’m not afraid to take it to the limit. I’ll make you cum hard and beg for more.
I sauntered into the room, my stiletto heels clicking against the cold concrete floor. The air was heavy with smoke and the scent of cheap liquor. The men gathered around me, their eyes hungry, their cocks twitching with anticipation.
“Why should we choose you, huh?” one of them sneered, his voice rough and menacing.
I smirked, running a manicured finger along his jean zipper. “Because I ain’t afraid to get my hands dirty,” I purred, my gaze locking with his. “I’m not just a bitch on the corner looking for dope money. I’m your darkest fantasy come to life.”

Best phone sex snuff accomplice and Mistress

The tension in the room thickened as they considered my words. They knew I wasn’t like the others. I didn’t just talk about a good game; I lived it.
“So, boys,” I continued, circling them like a predator stalking its prey. “Who’s first to take a ride on this wicked carousel of sin?”
Finally, the man who had sneered earlier stepped forward, a predatory grin stretching across his face. “I’ll go first,” he growled, his voice dripping with lust and arrogance. I smirked and stepped closer to him, my eyes glinting with pleasure. “Then let’s get started!” I beckoned him closer, my own smirk widening as I locked eyes with him. He thought he could handle me, that he could tame the untameable. But little did he know, I was the one in control.
As he reached out to touch me, I moved like a viper striking its prey.

My hand shot out to grab his throat, nails digging into his skin just enough to elicit a gasp of surprise mixed with pleasure. “Remember,” I whispered, my breath hot against his ear. “You’re here to serve me.” My snuff roleplaying porn isnt for the fucking weak,” Now do as I say and undress our first “actress”. He quickly obeyed, stripping off his clothes and the girls. I smiled, knowing that I had the power to make him do anything I wanted. As he whipped his cock out, I ordered him to kneel before me and await my deadly instructions.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4262

Horny sexy babe need a big dick to stretch through my wet pussy

Horny sexy babeHorny sexy babe Asia needs a big dick to drag the lips of my Tight shaved pussy down. My pussy is soaking wet, I have been trying to tame my raging hormones through Mutual masturbation all day… But, I just can’t get enough! I want to be fucked hard and used as your cock sleeve… Drain load after load deep inside of my Sloppy wet pussy. My husband went on vacation and it’s been over a week, I can’t wait any longer I need to get pounded and fucked like a filthy whore. We’ve been sending hot videos back and forth but these quick Phone sex sessions we have been having aren’t enough.

After seeing him jerk his dick and blow his load onto the bed sheets at the hotel, I have been just imagining someone coming over to my place and staining the sheets with their cum load. Daddy should have known better, I am a Nasty freak with raging hormones… We usually have sex at least seven times a day. How could he think he could just disappear for over a week and I would be able to manage to keep my legs closed?

He knows I am a Phone sex whore, could you imagine how desperate I feel draining cock after cock and hearing their Deep dark fantasies. After being deprived for so long I have found myself on all fours getting reeled by the fuck machine my husband bought me to screw myself while he’s been gone. he has no idea I’ve been having pervs listen to the sloshing noises my Sloppy wet pussy makes as it digs in and out. I can’t fucking help it all this Dirty phone talk is making my pussy pulse.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4453

best phone sex with the secretary

best phone sex

The best phone sex is with the secretary. My boss gave me some extra money a couple of years ago, and he enjoyed that I was a good girl who dressed very provocatively.

The boss had a nagging life, and you know, the same old story where the wife doesn’t put out. The husband is miserable, can’t stand his family, and wants an escape, but obviously, he has to be the great, outstanding guy and keep the marriage and family all good so he won’t leave.

No, I was hot. Young still am, and he couldn’t stop himself from licking my way and thought, K, why not have a little fun with the cemetery? She’s hot, naughty, and can keep a secret or two, so why not?

It didn’t take much, but he did pay me a lot of money, and I ended up being his little GFE companion. I gave him good jerk-off instructions and got him feeling so good.



(855) 733-5746 ext 4183

The best phone sex with a cute teen blondie

best phone sex

The best phone sex is with the cutest little teen, Blondie, who will show you that blondes have more fun. I know you love when I look at you with beautiful eyes and perfect lips. I know you want me to wrap them around your cock.

I do not doubt that I can make your cock cum  in seconds. I am one of the best because I know how to suck the soul out of your dick. You know I’ve got plenty of practice under my belt, and even though I’m young, I can out-suck girls twice my age. I promise you that much is true. Whenever you see me, your dick makes itself grow. That boner is beyond complicated, and it makes me so happy that it’s because of me.

Let’s make ourselves fun and let your cock rock out because I want to show it a good time.



(855) 733-5746 ext 4947

best phone sex for your pleasure

best phone sex

Best phone sex for your pleasure so that you can release all the stresses you have going on. I know you crave a girl who can dominate you but also let you take control. Although I am usually a dominatrix, I can be a switch; I enjoy an alpha man who can pound me hard.

If you can fuck my brains out and make me your jizz slut I will surrender to you and let you take the lead. There’s nothing hotter than having a guy take what he wants from me. If I tell you not to fuck my ass, I want you to turn me over and push it deep inside rock hard without any hesitation. Show me you’re the boss and shove it balls deep every inch.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4546

best phone sex and some joi

The best phone sex has to be the kind that fulfills all of those fantasies you have that you never share with the world because you’re so scared of judgment. Pick up the phone and call one of the fuckalicious freaks to make your cock throb. I want to make you my perfect cock jerker. Some excellent job for your pleasure. First, you should rub those balls and consider my ideal teen body. My breast right against pressed your body. Lick and suck my cutesy nipples. I know you want to suck them so bad. I’m all wet by the way you feel. Next, find your hands down in my paradise. Rub my clit and smile at me because that’s what I want. All I want is for you to rub my clitty till I cum. There will be so much fun from then on because my asshole also wants you to fuck it.

After all, a good ass pound is so hot.

best phone sex


(855) 733-5746 ext 4274

best phone sex with a porn star to be

best phone sex

The best phone sex is with a slut who went to an audition to be a model, but in reality, hello she was going for an auction to be a porn whore. The dialogue ended up going from being an innocent girl to a complete slut. Yes, I do want that cock to make me a porn star. I want that big cock deep inside my little tight ass, and my pussy makes me famous. First, in my pussy grind it deep in me I want to give you that money shot. Oh my god, it feels so good! The casting director pumps her like crazy. Yes yes yes  I feel so amazing deep inside push it deeper and deeper. She begs some more. Now I need a porn star name how about Cherry Bomb! because I like being a good little fucking whore that’s going to get her ass cherry popped too. My God, I’m so wet put it in my shitter and pop that hole.  Yeah, I feel so good when you pound me I was born to be a porn star. Cum on my face I want you to cum all over me I want you to come inside me.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4508

best phone sex with a creampie lover

best phone sex

I love the best phone sex because it’s the best. Tell me about when Daddy went between my legs and ate my creamy twat. The thing is, Daddy had no idea that I was being pounded like a crazy whore. Maybe he was pretending; he didn’t want me to feel bad knowing I was being quite the skeezy floozy. Daddy must have played dumb because, honestly, I had Jamal over, and he pounded me and left me loads and loads of cum in my twat. I love big black cock. It does something to me. It repeatedly recalibrates my body whenever I go around wanting a bigger dick. I am quite the slut, but it’s all because I was locked into some country bumpkin town for so long. Now I am in college so far away and experiencing different cultures and cock. I am a city girl now.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4947

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