Do you want to fuck do you want to get real goddamn Wild? One day I was and my boss’s office. I was looking around, and I saw a very expensive pair of earrings. It’s not like me to steal, but those earrings were fucking great they were diamonds, and I couldn’t help myself but to take them. What I did not know at the time was my boss had installed a camera it was hidden, and he was waiting; it was a trap. My boss man always looks at me in a really disturbing sexual way, but he’s afraid of getting in trouble for sexual harassment. So my boss devised the plan to be a motherfucking menace he put those earrings where I could find them and a hidden camera so he could get me in his clutches. My boss man, he’s a real horny motherfucker, and he’s nasty whenever I come in and have to do some extra things around his computer it’s like he left his laptop up on a porn site on purpose. However, that’s not my concern because what he did to me this last time was over the limit because how could I fight it. He called me in his office, and he told me that shit was terrible; he said that he would have to call the cops on me for stealing from him. I pretended like I had no idea what was going on until he told me to come here to his computer where he played the tape showing me stealing big as fucking day. He demanded that I get on my knees and crawl to his cock. My boss said to me if I don’t do what he says he’s going to have me arrested plus I lose my job, and I might not ever be able to get another job like that. I was forced into a situation that I had to do something about I agreed to come over I got on my knees and crawled. I approached his cock, and I unzipped his pants with my teeth I started to take his big hard cock out of his pants I sucked it, and I slobbered on it I made him cum so fucking hard he couldn’t believe it. Believe it or not, that was the very first time of many. Now my boss gives me the biggest bonuses around. The best part was I got to keep the earrings he said they were for me.