Daddy wanted to do a roleplaying porn and sell it at the local sex shop. Daddy does this from time to time and I am always the star. This time we were gonna do a pet roleplay. I was gonna be his kitten. When I got to daddy’s place my 2 cousins were there to help with lightening and anything else that needed to be done. The cage was all set up. My collar, leash, and cuffs were all set up. And some sex kitty toys were all just waiting for me. I striped down to nothing but my 3 inch heels and got on my knees. Daddy placed the collar tightly around my neck. Leaving not even enough space for my finger. Slapping at both my tits as he tighten the collar. He told me to purr and only make kitty noises. He lead me over to the cage I crawled behind him on my hands and knees. Purring just like daddy likes. I could see my cousins playing with their dicks as they watch daddy turn me into animal to fuck. Daddy secured the cage tightly. There is a hole in the cage for sticking dick and objects in. Daddy told me to stick my tit thru the hole and to hold on to the cage. He took a electric zapper and zapped my nipple, Making me whine in a kitten way. My body jerking as I felt the sensation. My nipple fully erect. Daddy zaps me again in the same nipple. Purrrrrrrr the sensation more intense than before. Tears come to my eyes. My body now trembling. I could feel my cunt soaking up on me. As daddy kept torching me. He took his belt and whipped my nipples and tits, when he wasn’t zapping me. Finally daddy dropped both things and gave me what I have been craving his cock. Shoving it deep down my throat I moaned and purred loudly muffled on his cock but still loud. My cunt was now dripping I was so turned on I had to start rubbing my cunt on the bottom of the cage.