I’m the GFE Queen if you know what I mean; I give the most sensual, hottest, best phone sex there is. I’m inclined to use my mouth in any way I possibly can. You too can become manipulated by my succubus’ tongue. I’m a lot sweeter than an imp though, honey. This pussy drips golden nectar, ready to get stuffed with a fat cock at any able opportunity. I beg to get used, too.
I’m not above and beyond humiliating myself a little bit to get the fucking I know I deserve. Dedication, and a sopping wet pussy are the keys to success. I’m the best slut you can possibly find. Your fantasy will be woven from these sweet lips more delectably than the thought of me letting you ram that big, fat cock in this tight little fuck hole.
In fact, there’s nothing I won’t do just to get a tiny taste of you. I want your fingers in my mouth while you’re slamming yourself again and again into this hot little cunt. I need to hear you saying my name as I’m getting railed. I need you to cum in me.