The best phone sex is whatever you want with me. I am a submissive whore. I am so submissive that I do some stupid shit often that makes me a candidate for the Darwin Awards. Do you know what those are? Those are the awards they give to people who do the stupidest shit ever. Some of them even die like there was a guy once who played chicken on railroad tracks and lost. I do some stupid shit too. I cannot always say no because when you are submissive, telling a master no could get you sent to the ER. Then of course doing some of these things that men want might give me a Darwin Award, so I guess it is a toss up of what I should do. I met this dominant guy on Tinder. It has been harder to get with my master since COVID. I still see him, but it is far and few between visits. Teddy was this guy’s name. I think he was more misogynistic than dominant. Like I think he was just into extreme humiliation. When I met him, he told me he was into bondage. That is my thing too. I love to be tied up. Now, I did not think I was being Darwinian because it is not like I want to be tied up on train tracks or anything.

This guy was only into tying me up so he could do what he wanted to me. The best phone sex whores do as they are told. He did not get off on seeing me tied up. He got off on extreme humiliation. Listen to this Darwin like story. He tied me up on a massage table. It was one of those portable ones. I was too stupid to see other outcomes, I guess. He shoved a funnel down my throat and forced me to swallow all sorts of gross shit. I felt like I was on an episode of Jackass. He pissed into the funnel. He shit into the funnel. He even made himself puke into it too by drinking some warm salt and mustard with water concoction. I thought I might die puking up the gross stuff lying down, but he released me. I was sicker than a dog and he just laughed at me and told me I deserved the Darwin Award for being a stupid cunt. I needed to go to the ER after he left because I was puking profusely. When the ER nurse asked what I ate to make me so sick, I could tell she wanted to nominate me for the Darwin Award too. In my defense, I am an obedient best phone sex whore.

Submissive Whore Bernice
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